#87 - Using Keto a Carnivore As Healing Tools with Craig Emmerich
To watch this episode, please visit Rachel’s YouTube channel. Listeners can find Craig Emmerich at his website Mariamindbodyhealth.com, Keto-adapted.com, and on Instagram craig_emmerich. Craig Emmerich graduated in Electrical Engineering and has spent the last 15 plus years researching nutrition and working with thousands of clients alongside his wife Maria Emmerich. He is an international best selling author of “Keto: The Complete Guide” and “The Carnivore Cookbook”. He uses his knowledge of how our bodies work to help clients heal and lose weight leveraging their biology to make it easy. In this episode, we talk about Craigs experience using nutrition to manage lyme disease, the evolution of the ketogenic diet, benefits of PSMF days vs. fasting, bulletproof coffee, and more! "Insulin by itself is not something to fear. You shouldn't fear spiking insulin. You want it to be transient and come back down as part of the normal process." Craig Emmerich Top Takeaways: Benefits to using carnivore as a tool Higher protein keto diet vs. standard keto diet Craigs breakdown looking at protein as a building block Mis-education around foods that carry the most nutrients Today’s Questions: Can you talk about how your nutrition has helped you deal with lyme disease? Can you talk about your experience using the standard keto diet versus a higher protein keto approach for yourself, and your clients? Is there any point in time working with your clients that you introduce more carbs depending on their activity level? How do you and Maria utilize PSMF days in your practice? Do you have any caps on how many PSMF days you have clients incorporate? Do you incorporate fasting for your clients aside from PSMF days? Have you seen women struggle more staying strict keto or carnivore? Show Notes: [0:00] Welcome back to MetFlex and Chill! Rachel introduces Craig Emmerich craig_emmerich to the listeners [0:30] Craig gives a brief bio about his journey after his wife Maria discovered the ketogenic lifestyle [5:00] Question: Can you touch on how your nutrition has helped you with dealing with lyme disease? [8:00] Igenex test, Charlene Anderson [9:30] The Carnivore Cookbook [14:00] Question: Can you talk about your experience using the standard keto diet versus a higher protein keto approach for yourself, and your clients? [15:30] Protein Sparing Modified Fast [18:30] Question: Is there any point in time working with your clients that you introduce more carbs depending on their activity level? [19:00] Zach Bitter [19:30] Michael McKnight Runs 100-miles on Zero Calories [24:00] Question: How do you and Maria utilize PSMF days in your practice? [25:00] The Art of Fat Loss [29:00] Question: Do you have any caps on how many PSMF days you have clients incorporate? [31:30] Question: Do you incorporate fasting for your clients aside from PSMF days? [37:30] Question: Have you seen women struggle more staying strict keto or carnivore? [39:30] Question: Is there anything that you've changed your mind about in the past year? [49:30] End Your Carb Confusion: A Simple Guide to Customize Your Carb Intake for Optimal Health, The Art of Fat Loss [50:00] Check out Rachel’s FREE Guide to Hunger Hacks HERE [50:30] You can find Craig Emmerich at his website Mariamindbodyhealth.com, Keto-adapted.com, and on Instagram craig_emmerich [51:00] End --- Join the FREE MetFLex Life Course: www.metflexandchill.com Rachel Gregory (@rachelgregory.cns) is a Board-Certified Nutrition Specialist, Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and Author of the best-selling book, 21-Day Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss Challenge. She received her Master’s Degree in Nutrition a Exercise Physiology from James Madison University and Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Medicine from the University of Miami. Rachel helps her clients transform their lives by starting with the physical (body), realizing the power of the mental (mindset), and ultimately gaining massive confidence that bleeds into every aspect of their lives (family, relationships, work, etc.).