#50 - Mindless/Emotional Eating, Effective Workout Splits, and Recovery Tips After A ‘Cheat’ Meal
To learn more and apply to work one-on-one with Rachel, visit her website: https://www.metflexlife.com/ Join Rachel’s weekly newsletter: https://www.metflexlife.com/newsletter In this episode, I dive into the key components of why mindless and emotional eating occur, simple workout splits to maximize your training, and how to turn a cheat meal into a treat meal without the guilt! “The biggest thing to realize is awareness is the first step. Finding ways to create awareness around your behaviors is the most important thing you can do. That will help you start to learn how to work towards changing and adapting these behaviors, and creating better habits that work for you, rather than against you.” Rachel Gregory Todays Questions: I know I’m not hungry, but I have the ‘wanting’ to eat food. What is the reasoning for this? Do you ever do full-body workouts or only focus on specific muscle groups a day? What are some recovery tips you can share after having drinks and a cheat meal? Top Takeaways: Emotional and mindless eating could be caused by an evolutionary mismatch. Awareness before any change is the most important step for a successful outcome. The 5 key movement patterns to hit all the necessary muscle groups within your training. If you’re going through a constant restrict-binge-restrict cycle.. It might be time to invest in a coach. Show Notes: [0:00] Welcome back to another QaA episode! New business name: MetFlex Life [0:30] If you’re interested in podcasts, 1-on-1 coaching, recipes, free educational content and much more.. visit my website: www.metflexlife.com [1:00] If you’re enjoying this podcast and think someone will too PLEASE SHARE! :) take a screenshot, tag @rachelgregory.cns on Instagram [1:30] Question #1: I know I’m not hungry, but I have the ‘wanting’ to eat food. What is the reasoning for this? [2:30] Stephan Guyenet - The Hungry Brain [3:30] The conflict between the conscious brain and non-conscious brain [7:30] The concepts of moderation vs. abstinence [8:30] The dopamine effect: hyper palatable food that causes our brain to want more [12:00] Emotional and mindless eating can turn into a habit [13:00] Check out the Emotional Eating Blog on my website for step-by-step guidance [14:30] Question #2: Do you ever do full-body workouts or only focus on specific muscle groups a day? [15:30] Three main variables that actually build the foundation of your training program [16:00] First is Volume - total amount of work that’s performed, Second is intensity - the amount that you’re lifting or the intensity of effort [18:00] Third is frequency - how you spread your training out throughout the week [18:30] Downfalls of body part splits or training one muscle group per day (AKA ‘bro splits’) [20:00] Five key muscle movement patterns to hit all the necessary muscle groups [23:00] Episode 32: Building an anti fragile core: the secret to sexy and functional abs [28:30] Question #3: What are some recovery tips you can share after having drinks and a ‘cheat meal’? [31:00] Biggest key to successfully come back from a cheat meal.. Plan ahead and know what your goal is [32:00] Calorie cycling and implementing refeeds [34:00] If you’re going through a binge-restrict cycle, it might be time to invest in a coach! [36:00] NEAT! (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) [37:00] Thank you for listening to this episode! [37:30] If you enjoyed the episode, as always, please share it out to your friends and family. And help me spread the word about the show. Take a screenshot of the episode and tag me in your story @rachelgregory.cns on Instagram THINGS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Rachel’s new website: www.metflexlife.com Stephan Guyenet - The Hungry Brain Emotional Eating Blog Episode 32: Building an anti fragile core: the secret to sexy and functional abs --- Join the FREE MetFLex Life Course: www.metflexandchill.com Rachel Gregory (@rachelgregory.cns) is a Board-Certified Nutrition Specialist, Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and Author of the best-selling book, 21-Day Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss Challenge. She received her Master’s Degree in Nutrition a Exercise Physiology from James Madison University and Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Medicine from the University of Miami. Rachel helps her clients transform their lives by starting with the physical (body), realizing the power of the mental (mindset), and ultimately gaining massive confidence that bleeds into every aspect of their lives (family, relationships, work, etc.).