#47 - 7 Necessary Steps For Long Term Weight Loss Success with Adam Schaeuble
Listeners can find Adam Schaeuble at MillionPoundMission.com and on Instagram @MillionPoundMission Adam Schaeuble aka The PHD (previously heavy dude) hit a rock bottom moment in his life where he weighed 327lbs. He then went on his own 100lb weight loss journey and as he was on this journey he started to inspire people in his home town to join him. He started a gym and a bootcamp program and helped his hometown lose over 35,000 lbs in five years. Now he's the host of the top-ranked health podcast The Million Pound Mission where his goal is to inspire one million pounds of healthy results (which he tracks on his website millionpoundmission.com In this episode we talk about Adam’s million pound mission, critical steps to adopt now to crush your goals, why practicing mindfulness is just as important as exercise..and much more! “I'm all about the law of attraction, but you can't spell attraction without action. You have to go out and act in line with your goals.” Adam Schaeuble Top Takeaways: 7 necessary steps to implement for long term weight loss Key reasons manifesting mindfulness practices will lead to success What’s this implementation alarm challenge?? Seriously simple strategies to align your short and long term goals How to artfully grow a stoic personality Show Notes: [0:00] Welcome back to the show! Rachel welcomes Adam Schaeuble @MillionPoundMission to the listeners [1:30] Adam introduces himself and gives his backstory helping his hometown [4:30] How Adam coined his name PhD(previously heavy dude) [10:00] “I don't care if you're keto or low carb or metflex or, you know, even like a vegetarian... I don’t want you on the standard American diet..that's what's killing people.” [11:30] The first hundred pounds fell off by implementing good habits and affirmations [15:30] 7 necessary steps for long term weight loss success [17:00] Step one: Operate from a ROCK SOLID GAME PLAN [18:00] Step two: choose an appropriate amount of time- Adam recommends a 28 day plan [19:00] Step three: Have a purpose for your workouts [20:00] Step four: thinking strategically about your transformation and danger zones [24:30] Step five: Accountability anchor points: set yourself up to succeed [27:00] Step six: Find a tribe of like minded people: Community! [28:30] Gretchen Rubin: The Four Tendencies [29:30] Step seven: Consistency over time [32:00] Building a strong mindset and practicing mindfulness [32:30] Ryan Holidays Books: Meditations on strategy and life [33:00] Adam dives into how he built his life around a 5 year plan by living by a lifestyle rehabilitation statement [39:00] Placing value on both short and long term goals [40:00] Manifesting a positive attitude on what you can control [48:30] podcastingbusiness.school [49:00] Take action! Adam’s implementation alarm challenge --- Join the FREE MetFLex Life Course: www.metflexandchill.com Rachel Gregory (@rachelgregory.cns) is a Board-Certified Nutrition Specialist, Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and Author of the best-selling book, 21-Day Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss Challenge. She received her Master’s Degree in Nutrition a Exercise Physiology from James Madison University and Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Medicine from the University of Miami. Rachel helps her clients transform their lives by starting with the physical (body), realizing the power of the mental (mindset), and ultimately gaining massive confidence that bleeds into every aspect of their lives (family, relationships, work, etc.).