128: Sustainability Of Keto, Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction, Compromised Immune Response From Too Low-Carb, Proper Electrolytes, Vegetable Shake
In this episode of Keto Talk, Jimmy and Dr. Will Cole answer your questions about Sustainability Of Keto, Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction, Compromised Immune Response From Too Low-Carb, Proper Electrolytes, Vegetable Shakes, and more! Subscribe via: Apple Podcasts | Google Play | RSS | Android COUPON CODE JIMMY FOR $50 OFF Highlight Quote: “I think when it comes to practical real life stuff I don't think these kinds of debates do a lot. Ultimately we encourage people to eat what's best for their body and what you can prove with lab results.” -Dr. Will Cole GET A $39 BOTTLE OF OLIVE OIL FOR JUST A BUCK GET YOUR $39 BOTTLE FOR JUST $1 NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship We begin this week's show by discussing a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience where guests Chris Kresser and Dr. Joel Kahn debate the merits of veganism vs. an omnivorous diet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULtqCBimr6U THIS WEEK’S HOT TOPICS: Should it be alarming to a doctor if someone eating keto has high triglycerides and/or elevated small, dense LDL particles? Why would they be? If you discover you’re not “in ketosis” when you test but feel positive health effects, is that a sign you are well keto-adapted? If excessive carbs and protein are turned into glucose and then stored body fat, then what happens to excessive dietary fat? Where does it go? Since people on keto are urged to "eat to satiety,” then what are the physiological and subjective signs of no longer feeling hungry to look for? How is pregnancy impacted by a woman who is already in ketosis? Does it reduce cravings, nausea, and excessive weight gain? Any potential issues? AHPRA drop all charges against Dr. Gary Fettke 10 Ways the Keto Diet Can Backfire Your Body Will Change If You Stop Eating Carbs, And You May Not Like It Savannah Guthrie Is Doing the Keto Diet But Says She Hasn't 'Lost Anything!' After 7 Weeks Expo East 2018 Video: Keto Is King STUDY: BPA DISRUPTS INSULIN RESPONSE BECOME A NUTRITIONAL THERAPY PRACTITIONER Sign up by September 2018 for the 9-month program NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship Your Questions: – “How do you eat a sustainable ketogenic diet that helps take care of the environment as well?" – Aubrey at Plant Powered Personal Chef – Chris asks, "How do I keep eating keto if my Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction condition prevents me from eating much dietary fat?" – "Does a very low-carb, ketogenic diet compromise the immune response because of a lack of proper insulin to shuttle glucose into the cells?" Amy asks – Karen wants to know, "How do you determine the proper levels of electrolytes to take in when going keto to prevent negative health effects?" Michael writes in to the Keto Talk mailbox to ask, "Will consuming a daily vegetable shake that is higher in carbohydrates detrimental to my ketogenic lifestyle to control my GI issues?" MAKE KETO EASIER WITH FBOMB NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship Highlight Quote: “You're not looking for a higher and higher level of ketones on your meter, you're looking to produce ketones that are used at the same rate. You want just as many going in as going out.” – Jimmy Moore THE PERFECT KETO SUPPLEMENTUSE COUPON CODE LLVLC FOR 15% OFF NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship WORLD’S 1ST REUSABLE BREATH KETONE ANALYZER NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship LINKS MENTIONED IN EPISODE 128 – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Track your sleep at BioHackingRing.com (COUPON CODE JIMMY FOR $50 OFF) – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: The world’s freshest and most flavorful artisanal olive oils. Get your $39 bottle for just $1 – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Staying in ketosis just got easier – Your new keto-diet ally (Enter MOORE15 at checkout for fifteen percent off your first order.) – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Drop an FBOMB for the freshest, high-quality fats from JimmyLovesFBomb.com (Get 10% off your first food order with coupon code “JIMMYLOVESFBOMB”) – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Jump start your ketogenic diet with PerfectKeto.com/Jimmy (USE PROMO CODE LLVLC FOR 15% OFF) – KetoWhiteBoard.info – Jimmy Moore from “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb” – Dr. Will Cole D.C. from DrWillCole.com