Episode 004: Laura of @prequilt
0:50 - @commonwealthquilts
1:04 - Commonwealth
1:06 - Massachusetts
2:41 - Circus Tent Quilt
2:42 - Adobe Illustrator
3:01 - Charm pack
4:04 - Andrea Tsang Jackson of 3rd Story Workshop
6:19 - EQ8 (Electric Quilt 8)
6:37 - Chrome
7:24 - PreQuilt PRO
8:08 - PreQuilt YouTube video tutorials
8:21 - Merge cells on PreQuilt
8:32 - PreQuilt help section
8:58 - Colouring randomiser function on PreQuilt
9:46 - Improv patchwork
9:48 - The Workroom
9:51 - Karyn Valino of The Workroom
11:05 - Laura’s orange peel applique quilt
11:42 - Abby Glassenberg of While She Naps
12:20 - BluPrint
12:44 - Karyn Valino of The Workroom
13:15 - Circus Tent Quilt
13:24 - Post-it notes
14:29 - The Underground
14:30 - Bay St and Bloor St
14:57 - PreQuilt PRO
15:28 - Art Deco
15:45 - Foundation paper piecing
16:16 - EQ8 (Electric Quilt 8)
16:50 - QuiltCon
19:16 - Dermot Kennedy
19:51 - Log Cabin quilt block
19:55 - Blue
19:57 - Blue
20:02 - Nani Iro and Carolyn Friedlander
20:09 - Nani Iro and Carolyn Friedlander
20:16 - Paintbrush Studios
20:18 - QuiltCon
20:29 - BlocLoc
20:31 - 8½” x 24” ruler
20:35 - Rotary cutter
21:58 - Carolyn Friedlander
22:03 - Circus Tent Quilt
23:07 - Parasite
23:13 - Jojo Rabbit
23:34 - @quilt.buzz
23:39 - @FeelGoodFibers
24:00 - @StephSkardal
24:28 - Covid-19
24:25 - Quilt Canada
PreQuilt - Get $10 off either the Basic OR PRO Annual plan when you use code QUILTBUZZ at prequilt.com. Offer is available until May 31, 2020.
Follow Laura:
Follow us:
Amanda: @broadclothstudio
Wendy: @the.weekendquilter
Anna: @waxandwanestudio
Quilt Buzz: @quilt.buzz
Intro/Outro Music: