Episode 5: Dayne Sullivan, 3rd Year Medical Student and Future GI Doc
Today's guest is Dayne Sullivan, a Phoenix-based naturopathic medical student from Georgia, who is pursuing his dream to become a gastroenterologist. Battling Crohn’s Disease himself since 2009, Dayne is the hardest working future GI doctor you’ll ever meet!
In this episode, Dayne shares his IBD story and talks about his path to becoming a gastroenterologist. As a third-year medical student, Dayne is studying Naturopathic Medicine and talks about the differences and similarities of Naturopathic Doctors (N.D.) and Medical Doctors (M.D.). He goes into detail about the types of additional tools for treating patients he'll have available as a Naturopathic Doctor and gives tips for anyone with Crohn's and Colitis who is interested in searching for a Naturopathic Doctor for managing their disease.
Dayne also shares his experiences with medications, surgery, diet, and balancing stress in managing his Crohn's. He talks about what compelled him to begin sharing his story and become an advocate for those with Crohn's and Colitis. He hopes to be a role model for others and spread the message that although Crohn's is something he has, it is not who he is.
To keep up with Dayne, follow him on social media using: Instagram @daynesullivan Twitter @daynesullivan
Be sure to stay on the lookout for his new homeopathy podcast coming later this year!