SS 123 - Psychedelics and Scotch
In this episode Grant and Heavey are joined by Grant's childhood friend, Aaron to talk drugs. Specifically, the use of hallucinogens for medical purposes. As a healthcare provider, Aaron shares his take on the current research and therapeutic uses of DMT a Ayahuasca. He also opens up as to how his own experience with DMT changed his personal outlook in ways that he never expected. While getting deep into mindset and self-love, the boys enjoy Laphroaig 10. [1:06] Welcome Aaron [2:42] National Stoner [3:43] You should show that to your wife [5:09] Zero experience with fun [8:31] Achieving mindfulness [11:07] Saving lives [12:41] Inhibiting the brain [13:50] DMT is all over the place [15:56] Psychedelics used as medicine [19:14] Why not just have sex? [21:29] Enlightenment for a moment [22:58] Letting go of anger [25:23] Shroomies! [30:43] Feeling more naked [35:08] A therapeutic experience [41:24] WTF is wrong with me? [46:49] Laphroaig 10