SS 121 - Nutrition FAQ with Heavey and Nicole
In this episode, Grant and Heavey are joined by Heavey's wife and Evidence Based Athlete coach, Nicole. Nicole and Heavey share the top questions from participants in their nutrition course including why you should eat that cupcake, macros for vegans and the real secret behind long term diet success. Grant also shares his experiences as a coaching client working with Nicole on his nutrition and training. [1:40] 2000 calorie diet [4:28] Fiber intake [6:57] Where are green beans [8:46] How YOUR body responds [10:49] I want to get hooked up to one of those! [13:03] Experimenting and developing data [16:45] Maintaining habits [19:47] For health or for animals? [21:28] Macros for vegans [24:01] Pea protein [25:06] Do I eat if I'm not hungry?? [29:48] Nutrition challenge reflection [32:28] I ate a WHOLE cupcake [36:50] Only 1 day to sign up