SS 120 - Why Is Rhabdo So Hush Hush??
This week Grant and Heavey are joined by listener Crystal to discuss rhabdomyolysis. Crystal shares her experience developing rhabdo and the long recovery process. The trio talks about symptoms, who is at high risk for developing rhabdo and the exercises more correlated with obtaining rhabdo. Finally the group discusses why rhabdo cases tend to be swept under the rug. [2:08] Into the farm in the sky [4:50] GHD Annie [5:53] Rhabdo symptoms [7:37] Scary in the girly parts [12:10] Found guilty [14:04] Greater risk [16:32] Eccentric movement risks [17:56] Soreness vs real pain [20:23] Sweeping it under the rug [25:40] Knowing what to look for [26:57] One mean lady