SS 090 - MacroFuel and Meal Replacement Shakes
This week Grant and Heavey sample a vegan meal replacement shake: MacroFuel. The boys discuss the nutritional content of the shake, the palatability, and who would benefit from consumption. Getting deeper, Heavey discusses his true thoughts on meal replacement, the methodology behind chewing and saliva release, and why we all need to take a chill pill. After chatting meals and replacements, the boys move onto the science behind Heavey's favorite gluten free beer: O Mission. [3:13] Brandon's first meal replacement shake [4:04] Burnt popcorn [6:35] Pre/Post workout [9:19] This is the quickie [11:21] Sous Vide Rib Eye Cap [12:58] I'm salivating [14:31] Clumpy [16:52] Time saving [20:33] Fast food diet deficiencies [22:05] Calm the f down [23:15] Meal hygiene [26:02] We're kinda nerdy [27:31] Bad poopsies? [29:54] O Mission