SS 075 - Have I Peaked? How to Continue Improving with Age
This week Grant and Heavey discuss a listener question regarding training peaks and aging. Listener Ed has been following the CrossFit Football program, but has recently felt achy and slow. Wondering if this is due to his age, Ed requests advice on how he should adjust his training to continue seeing PR's. In response, Brandon dives into the nitty gritty of health vs performance, athletic peaking and training programs guided by individual goals. While sipping on Tx Blend Whiskey, Grant shares Brandon's greatest moment in Texas... involving a soft-serve machine and a restaurant-filled round of applause. [2:33] We're like, really great [5:07] Blah blah overtraining [7:00] Under-recovering [9:59] Why is that a terrible idea? [11:39] Sh*tstorm of health problems [13:36] Tx Blended Whiskey [16:43] Alcohol, then honey [19:44] Soft Serving