SS 069 - Getting to the Bottom of Autoimmune Conditions...and Heavey's Toes.
This week Grant and Heavey dive into a personal health issue... Heavey's leaky gut and Raynaud's disease. The boys are joined by Heavey's wife and pharmacist Nicole for her clinical expertise to discuss his "purple toes" and the paleo autoimmune diet. They debate epigenetics and the connection between intestinal permeability and autoimmune disorders while sipping mimosas again on the beach in Puerto Vallerta. [2:15] What's going on with your toes, man? [5:30] Fallback diagnosis [6:16] You still kissed them [8:30] Angry guys in your bloodstream [10:30] Permeable gut [11:20] Eff- you toes [16:24] That would actually help [18:50] Do you not like pharmacists? [20:55] Epigenetics [22:57] Toes are falling off [25:10] Poop in my blood [25:45] Paleo autoimmune diet [26:40] Your toes like the beach