SS 064 - The Texas Method Strength Program and Hot Toddies
In this week's episode Heavey and Grant talk about the ins and outs of the Texas Method Strength Program: What this strength program entails, who would respond best to it, and rep schemes involved. Heavey also discusses variations of the Texas Method, the difference between rep schemes for building muscle vs pure strength, and everyone's favorite glute ham raises (for hamstrings like Hercules). After chatting strength cycles, Grant shares his secret flu reliever: the Hot Toddy. [1:56] Close relationship [3:40] Nothing magical [6:10] Strength or muscle? [8:50] 90% of 5RM [10:14] Glute Ham Raises [12:02] Intensity Day [13:15] Intermediate-hood [14:48] You are magicable [16:25] Who should be doing this? [20:15] A weak f... [22:10] Coughing for exercise [23:22] Who can go the longest [24:19] Hot Toddy Time