SS 049 - How to quantitate your fitness with the Beast Score
In today's episode Grant and Heavey are joined by guest Jason Heidecker, a NASA engineer and the developer of Combining Greg Glassman's original definition of fitness with his own engineering expertise, Jason has developed a unique method to analyze athlete fitness across broad modal domains as measurable, quantifiable the form of a scoring system: Beast Score. Jason walks through the development of the scoring system and applications of the system for athletes as well as coaches. While crunching PR's, the boys enjoy Hudson Manhattan Rye Whisky. [1:20] [2:50] Calculating power [5:47] What is the score? [6:30] Rich Froning's score [7:15] Relative vs absolute fitness [8:30] Your imbalances [9:12] Weakness biased training [10:45] Farmville [14:20] The leagues [17:05] The Iceland advantage [18:50] The nerdiness [19:21] Fitness is like love [22:40] A tool for coaches and athletes [25:00] Rye kick- Hudson Manhattan Rye