SS 047 - Heavey's journey to jacked: How to Put on 30# of Muscle in a Year

In today's episode Heavey shares his journey from scrawny "hard-gainer" to jacked by putting on 30# of muscle in a year. Heavey's details of his nutrition, caloric intake, and his training program recommendations for mass are reviewed. (Hint hint, it's not paleo or CrossFit.) While discussing gainz, Heavey a Grant enjoy Nikka Coffey Grain Whisky and Grant shares his keen knowledge on the role of copper and coffey in the distillation process. [1:20] Grant's Gainz [2:40] Skinny Brandon [4:35] 165 to 192! [6:10] You cannot build muscle if you're not sleeping [8:20] Training progressions [11:05] High Rep? [12:30] #1 factor for gains [13:50] Muscle Up / Fat Down [14:00] Food for muscle mass [17:10] Tracking Heavey's intake [18:25] 4,200 cals / day [19:55] The way-back machine [21:55] Banging your training partner [22:35] Nikka Coffey Grain Whisky References: Strength Programs: 5-3-1 Texas Method

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