Can you watch England play in World Cup without beers and crisps?!
England have just beaten Colombia in the World Cup and Jon Gaunt is on a high as he watched the whole game, including the penalty shoot out without beer or crisps! Learn how he did that in this funny free podcast. Jon has now been on his weight loss journey for a year. He has been walking every day for 12 months and eating in the way for about 10 months. He has lost 5 stone but has not yet reached his target weight and he talks honestly about this. He also talks about how important sleep is for weight loss and the wonder of Pork Scratchings and about how they can also aid weight loss! Jon is also super excited as the has now launched and people are subscribing and wanting to learn together how they can take back control of their lives as Jon has done. Please spread the word about these free podcasts and