033. Hydrate or Diedrate with Tony Castillo, MS, RDN
In this episode I chat with Tony Castillo, a performance dietitian who has worked with professional athletes and is known for his enthusiasm about hydration. Tony shares his background into finding the nutrition field and why he loves working with athletes. He shares tactical advice on how to estimate your hydration goals, what electrolytes are important for hydration and how to rehydrate after training. He sheds some light into how to choose the right supplements and shares what supplements he personally uses.Find Tony on Instagram.Check out BuiltByStrength here or use the code EATANDASCEND15 at strength.com. Interested in joining the team and working with me 1:1 in my nutrition coaching program? Apply to my program here! Find me on Instagram @eatandascend.Recorded on Wednesday, September 2, 2020.