006. Mindful Eating a How to Be Curious About Your Food with Lucy Call
Lucy Call is a registered dietitian and nutrition coach with a non-diet approach to food. She shares how she became interested in a holistic approach to nutrition in the first place and her own personal journey. Lucy talks about the importance of mindfulness in both life and in respect to what we eat. She talks about tapping into your curiosity and remaining non-judgmental around food, without operating out of fear, in order to eliminate the need to label food good or bad and simply just enjoy your food. My favorite quote from Lucy on this episode, “When you boil it down simply, it’s about bringing your awareness into your body and out of your mind.” I am taking the lessons I learned on mindful eating from Lucy and implementing them in my own personal journey this week! Join us on the next episode for a body compassion guided meditation led by Lucy! Join Lucy’s Food Fam on Facebook, connect with Lucy Call on Instagram and find her on Spotify! You can find links to Lucy’s freebies on her Instagram page and snag her 10-Day Self Care Guide here. Interested in joining the team and working with me 1:1 in my nutrition coaching program? Apply to my program here! Recorded on Sunday, 3/22/20. Email me at eatandascend@gmail.com. Find me on Instagram, Twitter, and on my website eatandascend.com.