Fat Loss Forever with Layne Norton Pt. 2
In today's episode, we have part 2 of the interview with the legend Layne Norton! In this podcast, we continue the discussion about the diet after the diet! We dive more into all the protective mechanisms that are taking place in the body post diet that are setting you up to gain the body fat back. Check out Layne here: https://www.instagram.com/biolayne/ https://www.youtube.com/user/biolayne https://biolaynestore.com/ Show Notes/All Resources from Episode: https://www.flexibledietinglifestyle.com/podcast-show-notes/: Zach’s Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/theflexibledietinglifestyle/ The Flexible Dieting Lifestyle website - https://www.flexibledietinglifestyle.com Miguel’s Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mblacutt/ Miguel’s website - https://miguelblacutt.com