If It Fits Your Macros vs Clean Eating
In today’s episode, we are continuing the discussion on Counter Diets. How in our nutritional world, counter diet’s are super popular because it makes an easy distinction between each diet. Makes the rules very simple and leave very little to now overlap. Creates a war between the two diets. In today’s podcast we go deep into three very popular counter diets: IIFYM vs Clean Eating (1:00) No Carbs After 6 vs Carb Backloading (10:30) Low Fat vs Low Carb (16:40) Check out Part 1 for: Vegan vs. Carnivore Intermittent Fasting vs 6-8 Meals Per Day Show Notes/All Resources from Episode: https://www.flexibledietinglifestyle.com/podcast-show-notes/ Zach’s Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/theflexibledietinglifestyle/ The Flexible Dieting Lifestyle website - https://www.flexibledietinglifestyle.com Miguel’s Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mblacutt/ Miguel’s website - https://miguelblacutt.com Miguel’s coaching - http://revivestronger.com/online-coaching/