Our Best Macro Tracking Hacks/Tips
Links: Show Notes/All Resources from Episode: https://www.flexibledietinglifestyle.com/podcast-show-notes/ Zach’s Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/theflexibledietinglifestyle/ The Flexible Dieting Lifestyle website - https://www.flexibledietinglifestyle.com Miguel’s Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mblacutt/ Miguel’s website - https://miguelblacutt.com Miguel’s coaching - http://revivestronger.com/online-coaching/ Time stamps: 2:56 - What happens if you don’t track your macros or are simply eyeballing? 4:54 - How do I track accurately? Do I need a food scale? 5:04 - Food scale vs. measuring cups 9:08 - MyFitnessPal 14:21 - The ratio 16:45 - Link a graphic of cooked vs. raw meats 10:40 - Tracking foods with food labels 10:57 - Tracking foods (fresh fruits and veggies) without food labels 12:27 - Tracking raw vs. cooked meats 17:08 - What do you do if you scan a label and what you see isn’t what’s on the food label? 18:41 - Cooking and tracking food that you cook in bulk 22:45 - Tips and tricks for guesstimating your macros 24:33 - Under vs. over estimating depending on your goals 26:32 - Eating out and tracking your macros Zach mentioned Caitlin’s (@themacroexperiment) “eating out” guide (http://www.themacroexperiment.com/blog/the-iifym-chain-restaurant-master-list) 30:45 - Tracking alcohol 36:01 - Feeling self conscious about tracking around family/friends