An Interview with Oliver Catlin - Anti-Doping in Sport
In today's episode of the ATP Project, Matt and Steve interview Oliver Catlin – the president and Co-founder of the ‘Banned Substances Control Group’ (BSCG). Oliver has been working in the sports anti-doping field for over 15 years, working specifically with athletes and brands on supplement research and testing. Oliver Catlin is also the son of Don H. Catlin, who you may recognise the name from the Netflix special, ‘Icarus’. The two of them are unrivalled in their knowledge and experience; it was a pleasure to interview Oliver and hear him share his expertise and passion! As always, this information is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only - please discuss any information in this podcast with your health care professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle. Check out ATP Science's range of products at our online store