57: The workaround is NEVER worth it

In this episode, Cari and I will discuss the fact that the workaround is never worth it. That basically refers to how people cut corners in order to get what they want and we’re going to talk about it from a negative point of view where health and fitness is concerned to demonstrate that one cannot cut corners and achieve their goals. For example, we have tens of thousands of people that have come through our channel and we’ve written thousands of custom programs for them so they can go achieve their desired health and wellness, but that cannot be achievable if they work around those programs instead of following them to the letter. Heavy people are some of the most notorious when it comes to coming up with creative workarounds to living the actual Code Red lifestyle as they’re supposed to. When I see somebody trying to do the workaround, that automatically tells me they're not ready for the benefits of the Code Red lifestyle, and how it can totally change their lives. Such people will want to take shortcuts all the time by, for example, taking keto snacks while at the same time having their sweet fix because they don’t want to eliminate sweets from their diet.  A lot of the workarounds that we see in our industry were borne by the industry itself, and it all started with the original workaround where Ancel Keys did a study that demonized fats, and influenced people to substitute flavor with sugar. People started doing breakfast cereals and other daily meals that were fat free, but loaded with sugar and carbs. Recently it was discovered that fat is not the enemy and people have shifted to Keto diets, which are good because they’re sugar free, but they’re not the best because they’re full of all sorts of chemicals which don’t help with weight loss at all. Stay tuned as we dive further into how someone can get to the root of their weight loss problem so they can eradicate it and achieve ultimate health and wellness. Key Points of Discussion: How Cristy’s bluntness offends a lot of people (01:21) The creative work arounds that heavy people try to come up with (04:50) Code Red uses the principles of ketosis, but they’re not traditional keto (06:44) A lot of shakes, pills, and diet foods companies don't get to the root of the problem, they mask the problem (11:52) The workaround makes you miss the point (15:13) Eat your food, avoid the fat bombs, and lose your weight (20:40) How people use exercise as a workaround (23:23) The proper human diet is meat and vegetables (26:49) ---------------------------------------------  Additional Resources: The Power of Now By Eckhart Tolle The Slow Down Diet By Marc David The "Code Red Revolution" book on Amazon Get your FREE copy of the On-The-Go Guide for Code Red approved food here: http://bit.ly/on-the-go-guide  You can find out more about Cristy and the topic covered in this episode by checking out her website here. --------------------------------------------- Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.  Click here to take the 10-pound takedown challenge! Be sure to grab your copy of my book, The Code Red Revolution here.  Connect with Cristy: Facebook Instagram LinkedIn YouTube --------------------------------------------- Subscribe to the podcast on Apple, Spotify Stitcher, YouTube or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts. If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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