51: Triple Digit Weight Loss With The Code Red Lifestyle
In this episode, I’ll have a conversation with two super phenomenal people, Sarah and Brandon Heatwole, and I know that you’ll just fall in love with them. Their story is really amazing. They had their life all figured out. They dated, got married, and had planned out this awesome future together, but it was all getting destroyed at an alarming rate right before their eyes because of their obesity. Brandon was over 300 pounds and Sarah was approaching 300 pounds, and it all happened so unintentionally from following what the marketing campaigns and food pyramids are always advising Americans. When they got married, they decided to have a kid so Sarah went off birth control, and within five months she had put on 80 pounds, and found out that she had PCOS that made it much harder for her to lose the weight. Brandon was also having huge health challenges of his own with his weight, and it even threatened his job. One day while Sarah was at work, she overheard someone talk about how they had lost 40 pounds (and their mom lost 100 pounds) with the Code Red Lifestyle. So she got very curious, researched it, went home and told Brandon about it, and they bought the Code Red Revolution book. It took them 4 days to read the whole book and they started going off of it while also researching more on Code Red. That’s how they found out about the 10 Pound Takedown Challenge. They signed up as soon as they could and never looked back. They are now down to about 100 pounds each, and their lives have never been better. They’re healthier, happier, and so fulfilled. This could be your story too. Listen in for more and you’ll definitely get a ton of inspiration. Key Points of Discussion: How they became overweight and the struggles they went through trying to lose it unsuccessfully (05:31) Grappling with PCOS and so many other medical problems (08:40) The solutions they were trying our before and why the Code Red Lifestyle worked for them (11:44) Losing 100 pounds, investing in losing more, and managing look better than they did when they were young (18:30) The value of staying connected to the Code Red Lifestyle community (24:37) Shifting their life goals and working on accomplishing them together (28:15) Following the rules to feel better, have the inflammation go down, your energy go up, and just overall feel like a million bucks (31:52) --------------------------------------------- Additional Resources: The "Code Red Revolution" book on Amazon Get your FREE copy of the On-The-Go Guide for Code Red approved food here: http://bit.ly/on-the-go-guide You can find out more about Cristy and the topic covered in this episode by checking out her website here. --------------------------------------------- Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required. Click here to take the 10-pound takedown challenge! Be sure to grab your copy of my book, The Code Red Revolution here. Connect with Cristy: Facebook Instagram LinkedIn YouTube --------------------------------------------- Subscribe to the podcast on Apple, Spotify Stitcher, YouTube or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts. If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!