35: What Really Makes You A Rebel?

People think that being a Code Red rebel means you eat meat, sleep a lot and never have sugar. And yes, that’s true! But what if you keep messing up and cheating? Does that mean you're not a rebel? Well, there's a lot more to being a rebel than just the scale going down, so much more than just the weight loss. Yes, we lose weight by bringing ourselves back to the proper human diet. Yes, we lose weight by drinking water instead of Red Bulls, wine, soda, juice, tons of coffee. Yes, we heal. Our bodies are able to heal because we are nourishing ourselves on a cellular level. We're eating the food that we were created to eat. It's a proper human diet. Yes, real food, water, and sleep. We are no longer sleep-deprived. We are no longer chronically dehydrated. Our body is letting go of that bio-accumulated body fat because it no longer needs it. Yes, that is happening. Of course, the scale is dropping.  To my mind, being a Code Red rebel is about rebelling against what the society has brainwashed us into believing about diets, exercise, weight loss, food meal times, and what have you.  We do not accept the idea that you’ve got to have your breakfast at eight and lunch at noon, and dinner at six, just because society tells us to. We do what's right for us.   We rebel against society telling us to eat three meals and two snacks because eating frequently is proven to do damage to the body in many different ways. It keeps insulin levels high. It damages the gut lining. It's terrible for your digestive system. It’s terrible for the hormones. We don't address our weight problem through exercise, because there's no way you can exercise it off.  Not everybody is hungry at 8 am, but the society says, “You’ve got to have your breakfast at 8 am with us. That’s the most important meal of the day.” That’s baloney. The most important meal of the day is the one that works for you the best way. If you believe in the Code Red mission statement, falling off the wagon at any point does not mean you’re not a rebel. Stay tuned as I walk you through what it takes... Key Takeaways: You can get started with the 10-pound takedown challenge, or with my book “The Code Red Revolution” (4:18) Job one is cleaning out your cupboards (7:45) We've been trashing our bodies for the past 50-60 years (10:02) As long as she believes in the movement, she's a rebel (10:51) I’ve fallen off the wagon. Does that mean I'm not a rebel? No way. (11:10) We have meal one, meal two, when it's right for us, we eat when we're hungry (11:39) When it comes to cholesterol, you only need to be afraid of high LDL if you have high blood sugar (12:37) They're putting more stress on an already stressed-out body, out of guilt and shame (13:36) If we are going to create a movement, if we're truly going to have a revolution, that's got to come from us; it's got to come from the grassroots movement (18:06) We vote with our dollar every time we eat. That's what I want you to believe. That makes you a rebel (14:33) Top rules of keeping your weight off: Stay on the scale every day, drink all your water every day, never allow sugar to stay in your house, and get the junk food out, too (14:54) If you’re falling off the wagon and are hanging on with one arm, I can still work with you and pull you back (17:00) It doesn't hurt my heart as much if you've put on 30 pounds. It hurts my heart as much when you won't talk to me (19:02) You can be messing up and still be a rebel, just like you can sin and still love Jesus (19:23) Struggling does not make you “not a rebel” (22:27) ---------------------------------------------  Additional Resources: The book "The Code Red Revolution" on Amazon.com Get your FREE copy of the On-The-Go Guide for Code Red approved food here: http://bit.ly/on-the-go-guide  You can find out more about Cristy and the topic covered in this episode by checking out her website here. --------------------------------------------- Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.  Click here to take the 10-pound takedown challenge! Be sure to grab your copy of my book, The Code Red Revolution here.  Connect with Cristy: Facebook Instagram LinkedIn YouTube --------------------------------------------- Subscribe to the podcast on Apple, Spotify Stitcher, YouTube or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts. If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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