31: Anyone Can Lose Weight. But Can You Keep It Off?

Anyone can lose weight! But can you keep it off? Hear how this Rebel and business owner kept her weight off even during vacations, and in the face of travel, stress, and life. Marley Baird, our guest in this episode, is a YouTube and video marketer. She helps her clients build their YouTube channels and spread their message to the world. I started working with Marley about a year ago and I hired her company to put together beautiful professional videos. I got her on to Code Red. She lost 20 pounds. She stayed Code Red through the holidays and through travelling. For your information, her work gets her to travel every week. What we get to know during the course of the interview with her on the podcast is that she has found travelling to have made her more conscious of choices that gel with her decision to go Code Red. If she knows she’s getting on a plane and the flight is going to be five hours, she packs her food. And if she knows she is going to be stuck somewhere, she looks for the options that she knows fit Code Red. Marley admits that she knew she wasn't very happy being 20 pounds over where she needed to be at and eating what you wanted - junk and everything.  And even when she did start doing Code Red, she would have people saying: “What do you mean you're dieting? You're fine.” And now, when she looks at the “before” and “after” pictures and shows them to people, they say: “Oh yeah. Oh good for you.”  And prior to her Code Red experience, she had a personal trainer for over a year and the scale moved maybe three to four pounds.   So in Code Red, Marley finally got a custom program and she just dove right in. And here she is, one Rebel reminding the others, that following through with your weight loss commitment is not as scary. If she can do it, you can do it too. Stay tuned for inspiration. Key Points of Discussion Marley told Cristy she wasn’t happy with her weight. She agreed to try Code Red (6:44) She doesn't feel like she’s holding back or that she’s lacking good food (8:17) Her mind was made up and she was like: “I am doing this.” (10:26) The 10-pound takedown challenge was her gateway to the custom program (10:37) With Code Red, she saw the results quickly, that kept the momentum going (11:22) “Everyone who's making this lifestyle change should celebrate small wins” (14:12) If she has friends eating cheesecake, she'll have the strawberry fruit bowl (16:33) She still weighs herself every morning (17:29) She sleeps really easily and better now (20:48) “It's a commitment. It's just like anything else you decided to do in your life” (21:53) Remembering your commitment and why you are doing this (24:31) ---------------------------------------------   Additional Resources: Marley's YouTube channel    Get your FREE copy of the On-The-Go Guide for Code Red approved food here: http://bit.ly/on-the-go-guide  You can find out more about Cristy and the topic covered in this episode by checking out her website here.    --------------------------------------------- Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.  Click here to take the 10-pound takedown challenge! Be sure to grab your copy of my book, The Code Red Revolution here.  Connect with Cristy: Facebook Instagram LinkedIn YouTube --------------------------------------------- Subscribe to the podcast on Apple, Spotify Stitcher, YouTube or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts. If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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