10: 7-Day High-Protein Hack Experiment Results (Part 3)
Jimmy and John continue to share their results from the High-Protein Hack in Episode 10. If you have questions, please send an email to Jimmy at jimmy@llvlc.com. And if you’re not already subscribed to the podcast on iTunes, then you can do that and leave a review HERE. Highlight Quote: “I don't believe you become more carbohydrate sensitive when you eat a ketogenic diet. I think you just feel worse when you eat higher carbs because you're not used to eating it.” – John Limansky M.D. COUPON CODE LLVLC FOR 10% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship Highlight Quote: “One of the things we found in this experiment is that eating high protein doesn't necessarily mean you burn more body fat.” – Jimmy Moore HERE ARE THE TOPICS JIMMY AND JOHN CONTINUED TO DISCUSS IN EPISODE 10: Reviewing from last week Discuss comments from last week’s show Discuss our results Review of the protocol we did Day 6-7 recap Confirmation bias Are we going to publish in peer review journal Doing longer than 7 days would your body ‘adapt’ to this way of eating Does eating a ketogenic diet make you more sensitive to carbs Protein vs fat as ‘nourishing’ Was the 3:1 hard because of ‘energy deficit’ Libre as an inaccurate way to measure glucose Insulin vs glucagon as the main regulator of protein metabolism Not all Meals were exactly 3:1 even if daily ratio was 3:1 Burning fat is not losing fat LINKS FOR EPISODE 10: – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Complete nutriton for nutritional ketosis (COUPON CODE LLVLC FOR 10% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER) – Jimmy Moore from “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb” – JohnLimanskyMD.com