9: 7-Day High-Protein Hack Experiment Results (Part 2)
Jimmy and John continue to share their results from the High-Protein Hack in Episode 9. If you have questions, please send an email to Jimmy at jimmy@llvlc.com. And if you’re not already subscribed to the podcast on iTunes, then you can do that and leave a review HERE. COUPON CODE LLVLC FOR 10% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship Highlight Quote: “I had about twenty minutes of satiety after eating about 100 grams of protein. It was very similar to eating a high carb meal.” – John Limansky M.D. Highlight Quote: Every single time I ate a high protein meal, I had full blown hypoglycemia.” – Jimmy Moore HERE’S ARE THE TOPICS JIMMY AND JOHN CONTINUED TO TALK ABOUT IN EPISODE 9: Reviewing from last week Discuss our results Review of the protocol we did Pre-experiment lab recap why we chose the labs we did labs checked throughout the experiment (ketones/glucose) reason for doing the experiment in the first place what our expectations were Meals we ate why we chose the type of protein we did what our blood glucose, ketone levels were before we started and how they were impacted as the experiment continued body reaction to high protein diet how we tried to avoid confounding variables common misconceptions and what is happening when we consume protein insulin response a glycogen response Jimmy and John’s completely different responses addressing complaints people had with our methodology LINKS FOR EPISODE 9: – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Complete nutriton for nutritional ketosis (COUPON CODE LLVLC FOR 10% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER) – Jimmy Moore from “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb” – JohnLimanskyMD.com