1: Welcome To The KetoHacking MD Podcast
We are so very excited to present the premiere of The KetoHacking MD Podcast! In today's first-ever episode we share our goals behind this endeavor and what we want you to take away from today's show and forthcoming installments: - Introduction to who we are, why keto versus any other diet for health, and why use biohacking to maximize the impact of the ketone bodies. It's a fine line between giving too much medical information but we share how we will be going forward in terms of really diving into the research behind nutrition but also each biohack. Dr. Limansky will bring the nerdy science and Jimmy will be here to help translate it for you. - Why Jimmy and John decided to team up for this new podcast. Jimmy discusses his secret reason for doing the show to help with his weight fluctuation but also why he does this for health gain rather than weight loss. - The different types of research studies that are out there and which ones to pay closest attention to. We’ll likely feature the latest ketogenic science and give you the pros and cons of it at the beginning of our podcast each week. Here’s the study that Jimmy and John dissected for you about the recent low-carb/low-fat diet being the same for weight loss from Dr. Christopher Gardner and his group at Stanford University: Effect of Low-Fat vs Low-Carbohydrate Diet on 12-Month Weight Loss in Overweight Adults and the Association With Genotype Pattern or Insulin Secretion (JAMA). - Why biohacking isn’t a new concept and the historical perspective of Hippocrates on nutritional health. - What’s to come on the podcast in the coming weeks and months. - We hope you see this podcast like being a fly on the wall listening to a conversation between a doctor and a patient and be an interactive participant through the regular QaA podcasts we will be doing.