S2 Ep. 6: Thoughts, Feelings a Perfectionism with Kara Loewentheil
Kara Loewentheil, joins me for an episode of HeartSpace Podcast that is going to blow your mind. Seriously. Kara is a Certified Master Coach for high-achieving feminist women. Inside this episode, she shows you why (and how) happiness is available to you now, how your thoughts change your feelings, and why “there” is no better than here. If you’re someone who is always striving to be perfect (get the better job, the better partner, the better body, etc.), OR if you’re someone who has it all and still isn’t happy…. THIS is an episode you want to listen to ASAP. Find Kara on her site here a her podcast, UnF*ck Your Brain, here Join the HeartSpace Insiders Facebook Community here Get Weekly-ish Coaching Emails from show host, Corinne, here See how to work with Corinne here