Ep 129: Confident Eating While Traveling [Confident Eater’s Guide to Summer -Part 2]
This month on the podcast we’re helping you prepare yourself for possible scenarios over the next few months. We’re covering 4 different parts of how to develop food + body confidence through the summer and addressing some common summer challenges around food and body image. Anticipating difficult food + body image situations you may encounter this summer will help you show up prepared to have your most confident summer yet! Today we’re diving into Part 2: Confident Eating While Traveling. Make sure to grab the free workbook to go along with our Confident Eater’s Guide to Summer podcast series. You’ll get exercises, prompts, links, resources, and our favorite summer meal + snack ideas! Download the free workbook at eatconfident.co/summer. If you’d like more support + guidance in your process of becoming a Confident Eater, we’re here to help. Learn more about our group coaching program, Eat Confident Collective at eatconfident.co/collective. If you like this episode, we’d love to hear from you! Take a screenshot, share it on Instagram, and tag us @eatconfident.co. We’re cheering you on, and we love knowing how the podcast is helping you! Subscribe + Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to the podcast? If not, we want to encourage you to do that today so you don't miss an episode! We'd also be so grateful if you'd leave us a review over on iTunes. Those reviews aren't just fun for us to read...they also help other people find the podcast. We'd love to hear how the podcast has helped you, and we appreciate you listening!