Episode14: Top 10 Keto beginners "mistakes", My top 5 Essential Oils and a little bit about the mighty micro greens!
In today's episode we discuss the top 10 Keto mistakes that people often make when trying to "go Keto", my favorite 5 essential oils and a little bit about microgreens. I mention a list of my top nutrition books I recommend anyone should read to get a better understanding of nutrition and health. And they are: The Big Fat Surprise - Nina Teicholz Nourishing Traditions - Sally Fallon Death by Food Pyramid - Denise Minger Cholesterol Clarity - Jimmy Moore Keto Clarity - Jimmy Moore Deep Nutrition - Catherine Shanahan Good Calories Bad Calories - Gary Taubes We also discuss my Top 5 essential oils and they are: 1. Peppermint 2. Lavendar 3. Tea Tree 4. Orange (all citrus) 5. Sandalwood And finally we talk a little bit about Microgreens! You can get more info about them here: https://www.gardeners.com/how-to/how-to-grow-microgreens/7987.html Thanks for listening! www.jessicatye.com jessica@jessicatye.com Instagram @thatketoblonde www.facebook.com/jessicatyenutrition