Episode 13: Can Keto help SIBO, How diet effects acne and Jessica goes over a listener email on diet, weight loss stall and being Keto adapted
Today's episode talks about SIBO and how diet and lifestyle can affect your gut and specifically bacteria overgrowth issues. We delve into how Keto can work to help heal gut imbalances and how you can find out if you may be dealing with SIBO or another gut related issue yourself. Also, desperate parents and teens call for desperate measures, but before you pull out the "BIG GUNS" to blast away that teenage acne let's talk about how diet and lifestyle can help. And finally, we have some great listeners that send in lots of great questions and emails. Today Jessica reads one on the air and answers the author's questions about diets, weght loss stalls, getting keto adapted and more. This is a longer podcast this week, but I think we go over a lot of useful info and answers to very common questions and concerns. We really hope that you are able to learn something new today and can be one step closer to more optimal health for you and your family! Thanks for listening and, as always, please leave us a 5 star review if you are enjoying this podcast. We can't tell you how much it means to us to get those. If you are interested in reaching out to Jessica please send her an email to jessica@jessicatye.com or follow her on facebook at www.facebook.com/jessicatyenutrition or visit her website to schedule your free 15 minute consult today to learn how she may be able to help you one on one reach your health and nutrition goals. You can also follow her on Instagram @thatketoblonde Links for products discussed in podcast: Poduct update: bare Minerals Prep Step facial sunscreen - LOVE this sunscreen and it is rated so well on EWG! www.EWG.com - Enviromental Working Group www.peachesskincare.com - Perfect PH Toner a Classic Cleanser www.bragg.com/products/bragg-organic-apple-cider-vinegar.html - apple cider vinegar www.keto-mojo.com - blood ketone meter www.ketonix.co - breath ketone meter www.ibsdiets.org - FODMAP foods list https://sibotest.com/products?type=tests - SIBO breath test