Episode 4: Solo episode where Jessica talks all about hormone health!
In this episode we talk all about hormonal health and how diet plays such a huge role in how our endocrine system functions. We discuss how our sex hormones, adrenals and "flight or fight" system are all intertwined so we can understand how they affect each other. Though Jessica focuses primarily on women and women's hormones in this episode it is certainly something that men could beenfit from understanding, as well. (And look for a men focused hormonal health episode in the future! Recorded while getting some much needed RaR at Norris Lake in Tennessee where I was working on taking care of my adrenals and para-sympathetic nervous system so that I can avoid that chronic cortisol state of being! And don't forget to get out there and make yourself some vitmain D - you'll thank me later for it. To get in touch with Jessica or to talk with her about how to become one of her nutritional coaching clients visit her website at www.jessicatye.com or look her up on facebook at jessicatyenutrition or on instagram @thatketoblonde Or you can always email her directly at jessica@jessicatye.com And if you have suggestions for future episodes please let me know. I want to put out there what it is YOU want to hear! Thanks so much for listening and please take a moment to share this episode with a friend that you think would enjoy it. And please leave me a review on whatever app or website you are listening to this on. That is how the podcast gets ranked so others can find it. Thanks again!