You Deserve Comfort, Here's How To Get It
Emotional eating or binge eating often begins with a very normal human need: a need for comfort. Nothing in the world is more natural than wanting to feel better! Yet feeling like we need comfort can leave us unsure of what to do. Is it a sign we are too needy? Do we deserve comfort? What will help if we don't use food? In this episode we'll walk through exactly what to do when you are in need of comfort, in 3 steps. 1. We'll cover how to make peace with the fact you need comfort, instead of wondering what's wrong with you. 2. We'll roll out the map so you know where you can get it. (We'll talk through tons of ideas in this episode, including how food can actually help!) 3. We'll cover how to get it, when life may have placed some obstacles in your way. You and your happiness are worth it.