Answering your questions about the dreaded “C word” - Cardio
In this latest episode with podcast host, nutritionist, and coach Rachel Gregory, Ashleigh and Rachel answer listener questions about cardio - the best kind depending on your goal; how to know when you’re overdoing it; if you can be a high-performing endurance athlete and eat low carb; when to implement it for fat loss; and so much more. Head to my website,, to submit more questions for an upcoming podcast! My nose-to-tail cookbook, It Takes Guts, is available now in-stores and online on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Chapters! My #JackedBack Pull-Up Program, designed to get you functional strength, mobility, and beautiful strict pull-ups, is available now! Sign up for lifetime access to the program, a full exercise video library, and access to me, your personal pull-up coach, HERE. Want the health benefits of organ meats but not ready to eat them? I use Ancestral Supplements grass-fed desiccated organ supplements. I love the company and the quality of their offerings - check them out at here, use the code MUSCLE10 for a discount and let me know if you have any questions about their products before you buy!