Cristi Bartlett | Coaching, Confidence, and football
Ashleigh sits down with Cristi Bartlett, an assistant strength coach for the Tennessee Titans to talk about coaching, confidence, powerlifting, and football - not necessarily in that order! We learn about Cristi’s background in sports, how she decided her career path and the steps she took to get there; what it’s like being one of the few women in her position in the NFL; and how competence, confidence, and passion will always matter more than luck or gender. Of course, having a great squat never hurts! My nose-to-tail cookbook, It Takes Guts, is available now for pre-order on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Chapters! Want the health benefits of organ meats but not ready to eat them? I use Ancestral Supplements grass-fed desiccated organ supplements. I love the company and the quality of their offerings - check them out at here, use the code MAVEN10 for a discount and let me know if you have any questions about their products before you buy! Want to connect, ask questions for the podcast, or offer feedback? Drop me a note on Instagram @themusclemaven, send me an email at, and sign up for my weekly newsletter at