EP 1: Welcome to Muscle Maven Radio
A lot has happened since the last time I published a podcast episode, so I want to thank all of you for sticking around despite all the chaos in the world right now. I hope that you guys missed me as much as I missed talking to you. Today I’m introducing you to the new name and brand of the show and explain to listeners the reasons for all these changes. In short, Paleo Magazine is undergoing some big transformations and part of their restructuring resulted in much uncertainty about the future of the podcast. But loving this show and the community we’ve created, I jumped in and purchased the podcast, and decided to rebrand it as Muscle Maven Radio! This is an exciting journey that I hope to take all the current listeners on with me and hopefully gain a whole lot more as we continue building out the community. In this episode, I walk you through the aspects that will stay the same, and those that—I’m certain—will be even better than before! Key Points From This Episode: The exciting news: I purchased the Paleo Magazine Radio podcast! Hear about Paleo Magazine’s transformation and what they decided about the podcast. Rest assured: You will still be getting the same quality, high-value content as before. Why I feel so strongly about the podcast and the community we’ve built together. Find out which elements of the show will remain the same and which will change. The perks of a new brand—we can talk much more broadly about health and wellness. I need all of you to help me make the podcast a viable and helpful resource! What I’m currently envisioning for the show in terms of its structure and featured guests. Let me know which topics you’d like to see covered and any other suggestions you have. Monthly giveaways, special offers, and more for those actively participating in the show! Tweetables: “I have purchased the Paleo Magazine Radio podcast and I have rebranded it under my own name aka the Muscle Maven, which is my nickname.” — Ashleigh VanHouten [0:01:01] “All I knew was that putting the podcast on hold or permanently getting rid of it was just too sad for me to bear.” — Ashleigh VanHouten [0:01:58] “I wanted to make a space that is for everybody who is a health and fitness and food nerd and just likes to learn.” — Ashleigh VanHouten [0:04:26] Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Ashleigh VanHouten Ashleigh VanHouten Email Ashleigh vanHouten on Instagram