41: What happens when you think about leaving your job
Deanna Segrave-Daly is on the show this week! She's been an entrepreneur for almost a decade, after starting her nutrition career in communications and with a double-major in Marketing. You may know her from her work with Blog Brulee, The Recipe Redux, Teaspoon Communications, or Healthy Aperture. Even if you haven't heard of any of those, don't take gorgeous food photos (hand-raised), and aren't in the nutrition field, Deanna's advice will apply to you. Curious about this nontraditional nutrition career path? Click to watch the RD Real Talk Webinar on how to navigate your nontraditional nutrition career! (HeatherCaplan.com/Events) Deanna reminds us that we don't have to go at this alone, we don't have to pick ONE specialty, and we certainly don't have to be great at writing to be a blogger or communications RD. ---- -- ---- More coming up on RD Real Talk: A 10-part Intuitive Eating series, which will be followed by 1:1 coaching episodes. Interested? Apply here! (https://goo.gl/6E3CnX) Deanna Segrave-Daly | teaspoonofspice.com @tspbasil