25: Imperfect cookies and tales of the startup life
Amanda Foti joins the show from NYC! She’s the Director of Growth at Healthie, and also runs a private practice with the Healthie telehealth platform. This episode is a deep dive into telehealth—how to work with clients virtually, legally. We talk about how we got into virtual counseling, startup experiences, and of course, dietetic internship advice. If you want to give the Healthie platform a try for your private practice (even if it’s just a side hustle!), mention RD Real Talk during registration or use the following link for a $70 discount: http://www.gethealthie.com?afmc=zad Resources mentioned in the show: State Telehealth Laws and Reimbursement Policies (compiled by the nonprofit nonpartisan Center for Connected Health Policy) Healthie AND’s eatrightPRO Telehealth resources Amanda Foti, MS RDN | EatFitLive.com and @RD_Eats on Instagram