17: This may (not) give you 27% of your Vitamin C for the day
Carlene Thomas and her many hats join the show today! She’s an entrepreneur, media maven, and food styling queen. She’s almost solely responsible for my renewed AND membership (we talk about that). She’s also been an inspiration as I start this private practice and join the business-owning RD world. Real talk (jealous) moment: She did the Vermonster (Ben a Jerry’s ice-cream) challenge with her dietetic internship group. I watched people eat frozen meals during my internship. Not the same. Carlene walks us through her business’ evolution, from nutrition counseling to food styling and working with the Food Network.“For me, a private practice was the safest choice.” (A rare tale.) Our talk gets inside the the process of prepping for a photo shoot, and the nutrition message she’s sending with her images. In the news: Your face is being targeted. How ads are changed to show you what they think you want (e.g. salads for women, sausage pizza for men) Wasted food, wasted nutrients—could a new approach to food distribution save some of our country’s nutrients? CSA, Imperfect produce, Hungry Harvest TED Talk mentioned in the episode: "Teach girls bravery, not perfection" Carlene Thomas: healthfullyeverafter.co | Twitter: @carleneHEA , Instagram: @healthfullyeverafter