16: Why you don't need a WHY
Julie Duffy Dillon, registered dietitian host of the "Love, Food" podcast, is on this week! Her expertise in Intuitive Eating and HAES was a refreshing addition to the Virginia Dietetic meeting a few months ago. I stalked her after her presentation. That worked out well for me! Real talk: this is the stuff that saved my interest in, or passion for, nutrition. In this episode, we dive into a tough listener question about "disciplined" vs. "disordered" eating, and why you don't need a WHY or weight loss. ED Resources: NationalEatingDisorders.Org, International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (www.iaedp.com), Food Pscyh Podcast (by Christy Harrison), Love, Food podcast (by Julie!), Body Kindness book (by Rebecca Scritchfield). Julie Duffy Dillon: juliedillonrd.com, Twitter: @foodpeacerdn