15: Dry humping has no place in nutrition
Lisa Valente is on the podcast this week! She joins us from Vermont, where she works as EatingWell Media's Digital Nutrition and News Editor. We worked together years ago, so we have a lot to catch up on! In this episode, we skip a news review and instead talk about all of the following. But first, a survey! Please fill this out if you have one minute to spare: https://hdcrd.typeform.com/to/JuJARt Why some people shouldn't pursue the RD(N) career path Why to join a group run when you think you might not want to How our personal nutrition interests and philosophies have evolved since college What nutrition fads we're done with (#NoMoreSexWithPantsOn) How recent research challenges what we were taught in school What dietitians and freelance writers need to know to get a pitch to publish What wedding food at a dietitian's wedding looks (and tastes) like (BFD) Check out Lisa's work at EatingWell through both their print magazine and online posts! Twitter: @LisaDValente