Episode #3: Dr. Pam Popper - Evidence-Based and Plant-Based Naturopathic Physician
Dr. Pam Popper and I discuss how parents should approach feeding their children, what motivates her, the current medical system, food policy and more. It is a very interesting and entertaining discussion and I hope that you enjoy! Find more about Dr. Pam Popper at: www.wellnessforumhealth.com email her at: pampopper@msn.com Please check out Rocket Surgeons at: www.Facebook.com/RocketSurgeonsMusic www.RocketSurgeonsBand.com Find me at: www.Facebook.com/VeggieFitKids www.Veggiefitkids.com Email me at: VeggieDoctor@veggiefitkids.com Remember to share this podcast, rate and review! Have a plantastic day!