#015 - Dr. Chris Shade: Heavy Metal Toxicity, Mercury Sources, Safe Fish Consumption, Testing Methods, The Nervous System/Mind/Detox Connection, Gluta...
Full Shownotes And Transcript: MelanieAvalon.com/heavymetaldetox Stuff I Like: MelanieAvalon.com/StuffILike 2:45: Go To MelanieAvalon.com/Quicksilver For 10% Off Quick Silver Scientific Products! 04:00 - IF Biohackers: Intermittent Fasting + Real Foods + Life (Melanie Avalon): Join Melanie's Facebook Group To Discuss And Learn About All Things Biohacking! All Conversations Welcome! 07:15 - Dr. Shade's Personal History: Heavy Metal Toxicity Experience And Findings From Organic Farming 10:00 - The Different Types Of Mercury (Fish, Amalgams, Etc.) 13:30 - The Difference In Fish Mercury Levels (PPM) 15:30 - Mercury In Fat Vs. Protein 18:00 - How Do Cooking Methods Affect Fish Mercury Content? 19:45 - Farmed Vs. Wild Fish 22:10 - Dental Amalgam Mercury Exposure 27:50 - Mercury Storage In The Body 31:25 - Blood Vs. Hair Vs. Urine Tests 41:30 - Kidney Filtration And Urine Smells 44:30 - NATIVE: Get Safe, Non-Toxic, Effective Deodorant! Go To Nativedeodorant.com And Use The Promo Code MELANIEAVALON For 20% Off Your First Purchase! 47:05 - BEAUTY COUNTER: Visit MelanieAvalon.com/Beautycounter For Non-Toxic Beauty Products, And Receive A Free Gift From Melanie After Placing Your First Order! 48:00 - How Does Natural Chelation Work In The Body? ( And How Is Bile Involved?) 53:50 - Nutritional And Energy Status Factor: What Dietary Approach To Follow? 55:45 - Is Fasting Safe If You're Toxic? 58:25 - The Role Of AMPK In Fasting And Detox 1:01:40 - High Vs. Low Carb Diets 1:06:15 - The Importance Of Binders In Detox 1:12:00 - Antihistamines 1:13:15- The Role Of Fiber In Detox 1:15:20 - The Role Of The Mind, Autonomic Nervous System, Meditation, Etc. In Detox 1:18:25 - Progesterone To Support The Liver 1:23:15 - The Importance Of Liposomal Delivery