E5: The Renaissance Starts Now!
Topic 1: The Renaissance Starts Now:
The Renaissance was an awakening from the dark ages, a time when people embraced enlightenment, and a time of cultural rebirth. Let's start a modern renaissance of personal responsibility and exceptionalism. In this week's show Aaron and Jonathan introduce the core concept of the ITRH Urban Survival Podcast and site.
~ We discuss:
* Individual Responsibility
* Community
* Education
* Health
Topic 2: The Urban Survival Skills Challenge:
We talk about the importance of skills on In The Rabbit Hole, and we have made it a habit over the last few years to regularly acquire new skills. We are going to formalize this and make it a project that everyone can benefit from and join in. This is going to be the In The Rabbit Hole Skills Challenge "“not just for us, but for you too.
Every six months we will pick one skill to learn, and we encourage listeners to do the same. The first skill on our list is going to be archery. If anyone in the Houston area is an archery instructor or knows of an instructor who would be interested, please use the feedback from. We will be capturing video of the process and conducting an interview with the instructor.
~ Announcement:
We are giving away In The Rabbit Hole Urban Survival Swag. This time around it will be a 15-oz In The Rabbit Hole coffee mug.
* Drawing is open to continental US residents 18 and over.
* The drawing starts now and ends March 13th at 12pm Central Standard Time, 2011.
* We will announce the winner on the show on March 14th, 2011.
* If the mug is not claimed by 12pm CST on March 21st, 2011, the winner forfeits and we will pick another e-mail address from the hat.
* Only one entry per person.
~ Become a supporting member here:
~ Resources from this episode can be found at: