E4: Dogs & Life After Terrorism
Today we are joined by former breeder and dog trainer Jason McConniel for a discussion about dogs. We also have a review of the book Life After Terrorism by Bruce D. Clayton, Ph.D.
~ Topic 1: Dogs for the Urban Survivalist
The first episode of many to include Jason, the show's "Redneck Resource." Jason walks us through the things weneed to consider when selecting a dog:
* What dog is right for you
* Top five dogs for urban survival
* Finding a dog breeder
* Jason's two cents on dog rescue services
* Heath concerns to be mindful of when shopping for a dog
* Tips for finding a good veterinarian
* Cost considerations when selecting a dog
* Bug-out bags for dogs
* First-aid kits for dogs
* Food storage for dogs
* Pet First-aid classes
* Pet First Aid books.
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