Ep 047: Optimizing Weight Loss with Intermittent Fasting w/ Missy Bane
Get YOUR copy of the Rock Bottom Thyroid Treatment: https://www.rockbottomwellness.com/book Get your free 7 Day Eating plan here: https://www.rockbottomwellness.com/7-day-eating-plan Schedule your FREE Thyroid Breakthrough Session today by clicking here: https://secure.gethealthie.com/appointments/embed_appt?dietitian_id=276068arequire_offering=trueaoffering_id=30224 Missy Bane is a Board Certified Health Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. She helps people 'age healthy' by creating a custom plan to fit their individual lifestyle, habits, genetics, and goals. Individual blueprints are designed together to include nutrition, movement, supplements, sleep, hormone balance, libido, energy, detoxification, and gut health. Each of these areas supports healing opportunities as well as long term health. She strongly believes that Taking Control of Your Health Means Taking Control of Your Life! MISSY’S CONTACT INFO: Website: https://www.missybane.com/ Social: https://www.instagram.com/missy.bane/ https://www.facebook.com/missybanefdnp/ Freebie: IF pdf https://felprogram.kartra.com/page/IF