Ep 027: Mitochondria and Your Thyroid Health w/ Dr. Tim Jackson

Get your copy of the Rock Bottom Thyroid Treatment here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1734754303 Get your free 7 Day Eating plan here: https://www.rockbottomwellness.com/7-day-eating-plan Schedule your FREE Thyroid Breakthrough Session today by clicking here: https://secure.gethealthie.com/appointments/embed_appt?dietitian_id=276068arequire_offering=trueaoffering_id=30224 The mitochondria are our “powerhouses” of our cells but more importantly they are responsible for sending signals throughout our bodies as described so well by Dr. Tim Jackson. Cell Damage Response (CDR) is an important thing to understand when it comes to figuring out how we can optimize our body’s and thyroid function with regard to supporting our mitochondria.  Ways to fix our mitochondrial health include supporting our body temperature when oftentimes it’s too low, managing our stress, and eating the foods that are nutrient dense and actually support the systems our bodies are designed to go through to create cellular energy. Our lowered mitochondrial function can be caused by chronic stress caused by poor sleep; infections from yeast, bacteria, viruses; over exercise and our external environment.  There are so many things we can do and sometimes that can be overwhelming to us and everything else we are already doing. It is suggested to seek out a practitioner who is well-versed in the areas mentioned above and deal with a couple things at a time so that it is manageable and not creating more stress on your whole system.  Reach out to  Dr. Jackson at: https://www.healyourbody.org The Heal Your Hormones bootcamp with Dr. Jack Kruse:  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/healyourbody.org Or Search Dr. Tim Jackson

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