025: The Benefits of Aloe Vera Drink w/ Dr. Michael Haley

Get Tiffany’s first book by clicking here: https://www.rockbottomwellness.com/book 7 Day Eating plan here: https://www.rockbottomwellness.com/7-day-eating-plan Tiffany and Dr. Michael Haley discuss the benefits of aloe vera drink. Dr. Haley has been using aloe vera in his practice extensively to help with the healing of the gut out of which health conditions can be made worse when our microbiome is not healthy. We’ll also talk a bit about diet confusion, whether to buy organic everything and how hidden chemicals in our diet and environment may be negatively impacting us.  Schedule your FREE Thyroid Breakthrough Session today by clicking here: https://secure.gethealthie.com/appointments/embed_appt?dietitian_id=276068arequire_offering=trueaoffering_id=30224 EPISODE INFO: To order any of Dr. Michael Haley’s amazing aloe, go here to check out his products. The Aloe Gel in smoothies is my absolute favorite! https://haleynutrition.com/?ref=215 Dr. Michael Haley Chiropractor / GAPS Practitioner https://haleynutrition.com cell (954) 444-5353 office (954) 532-0792 Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook Use code RBW at checkout. 

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